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Artist Spotlight: Heidi Larson

We are so grateful for the community The Molok is building. A huge part of that community are our volunteers, who have graciously given us their time and energy to make this huge dream of ours come true. We are so grateful for one of our sculptor’s assistant, Heidi Larson. Thank you Heidi for your positive energy and passion for art! Pictured below are some of Heidi’s works.








HEIDI LARSON: Hi, my name is Heidi Larsson and I’m a local artist based in Rochester, NY. I was born in Los Angeles, CA and spent some of my childhood in Irvine, CA, until I moved to Rochester with my parents. I have since stayed and made somewhat of a life on the east coast but I still dream of the beach and keep those nostalgic memories close.

I currently work in a local craft store in Rochester, NY and met Annalisa while I was working. I had asked her if she was working on anything and then she told me about this giant monster, the Molok, that she was building. As she explained the project concept I knew immediately that I wanted to be a part of the process in any way. I was willing to be a volunteer and was offered to work as one of her Artist Assistants. I mainly help organize and prepare donation items that will be used to create the “skin’ of the Molok. It takes a lot of time, focus, and understanding of materials to complete the assignments necessary to complete one part of the process. However, the work required has given me so much in return.

Annalisa gives great direction, even under pressure, and makes giant tasks manageable and meaningful. She brings a real sense of community in the studio and seeing the dedication she puts into her work and the whole process is so fulfilling to be a part of as an artist. Seeing her focus and drive along with her creativity has inspired me to finish setting up my studio space, create new projects, and one day go back to school and finish my degree.

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